The "Chute Sponsor" is $1500 which includes your company name/logo on a bucking chute and your company flag carried during the event. Each time an animal bucks out of the chute, your business name will be it's your chute! Your business will also receive 6 tickets to the event. There are only six chutes, so this sponsorship is limited.
The other very popular sponsorship level available is a $250 "Fence Sponsor". Your 4'x5' banner will be hung on the arena fence to be viewed by all spectators and contestants announcing your support of our rodeo. You must provide the banner, it will be returned to you after the event. The Fence Sponsors will be given 2 tickets to the event.
There is also one "Buckle Sponsor" that includes the sponsorship of the three event buckles. The cost for this level is $1000. Your company name will be announced when the buckles are presented to the winners and during the events. The Buckle Sponsor receives 4 tickets to the event.
We appreciate your interest in our rodeo. Please contact your Committee representative for more information. Thank you in advance for your support.
Copyright 2008-2023 Show Low Deuce's Wild Rodeo Committee